One of the key soft skills that most Corporate’s often want their employees to be trained on is Communication. Communication is sending and receiving information between two or more people, it’s easier said than practiced. How you communicate to other’s greatly affects how they perceive you, communication is not complete until it is combined with etiquette.
We incorporate these three basic principles in communication etiquette training the “TEY” principle.
- THANK YOU – As an employee learn to be grateful at all times, a thank you note or comment can motivate, validate and give positive reinforcement, every single employee has the desire to be appreciated, most, if not all employees secretly desire a kind boss or workmate be that boss or workmate. Learn to say thank you whenever someone extends a helping hand, when they open the door for you, pull a seat for you, send/forward you an email that for some reasons you could not find, remind you of an appointment you had with a client and the list is endless. Make it a habit on your own as an employee to thank your clients, other than a thank you note or gift that may come from the company learn to verbalize the word thank you, it will make your work easier, you will constantly be approachable and remember grateful people attract a lot of friends and friends link you up to more clientele.
- EXCUSE ME – As an employee learn to use your words to your advantage, behaving properly is like a game, you need to learn the rules, you ought to assiduously practice the rules. Whenever you are in a room with people, these could be fellow employees, such meetings are often referred to as closed meetings, if you must step out, excuse yourself, you may verbalize it, if the room is big only the two people seated on the side may hear it, but that’s okay at least you excused yourself, you can also non verbalize it, you can use eye contact to excuse yourself. Excuse me l would like to make a phone call, excuse me can l kindly have a word with you, excuse me someone is on the line and they would like to talk to you, these are words that will make communication easier for you, let them always be on your fingertips.
- YOU’RE WELCOME – Learn to receive complement, when you help a fellow employee or someone senior at work and they appreciate your input, avoid using words like; not a problem, don’t mention, it was nothing, not to worry. These are not necessarily bad words they are informal, you can use them with close friends or family members, rather use a formal way to respond which is the basic use of politeness, simply say “You’re Welcome”. Don’t use such opportunities to ask for favor in return, in case you need help from the people or person you have helped shelve it for another day, timing is everything.
When you practice these three principles you may not only be the best employee these principles will help you holistically.